Help people get the treatment they need

Enhearten’s closed-loop referral system for community partners allows you to find an addiction treatment provider and send a referral in under a minute. It's free for most organizations.
Contact us to learn more

Improve outcomes with a click

Initial discussion

When people come to you with a substance use disorder, it can be hard to help them get the treatment they need. Our software is designed for anyone in a position to guide people into recovery: parole officers, social workers, nonprofit staff, clinicians of all kinds (such as nurses, primary care providers, and E.R. doctors), and others.

Finding treatment

You can search for clinics in your area and then sort by relevant criteria to find the best match. Incorporate treatment type, age, gender, languages, payment accepted, and other factors into your search. When you send a referral, it shows up in the selected facility’s dashboard as well as in the patient’s app.

Tracking outcomes

When the patient shows up for the appointment, that attendance information is sent back to the referring organization. We integrate with your existing software, whether that’s an EHR or a CRM, to save time and keep records current.

Features include...

Filterable directory of treatment providers
Interconnection with the accounts of relevant patients and treatment providers
Outcome tracking
EHR and CRM integration
And more

Contact us for more information

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